You might have paid your Life Insurance Premium (LIC) online, but you have not downloaded the LIC Premium receipt.
Can I download LIC Premium paid receipt..!!
Absolutely, Yes..!!
In this article, I will show you how to easily download the Life Insurance premium receipt you have paid through LIC official website, even though you do not have a LIC registered account.
Let’s get started on downloading LIC Premium receipt..!!
Step 1:
Go to and on the left side of the screen you have get many options. To download LIC Premium without login to the portal, Click on “Pay Premium Online”.

Step 2:
After clicking on it, a confirmation message will be displayed saying “This is an external link, Are you sure you want to continue?”. Click on the “Ok” button to continue.

Step 3:
Now it displays 2 options. 1st option is “Pay direct No Registration is required” and the 2 nd option is “View/Download receipt (Completed Transactions only)”
Step 4:
Now to download the LIC Premium receipt, click on the 2nd option of “View/Download receipt (Completed Transactions only)”. It is also to be noted that you will get the LIC Premium receipt only for the period you paid the Premium completely.

Click on the below link to Watch it in Telugu
Step 5:
After that, you will have to fill 3 things.
1. Policy number – It is a 9-digit Numeric number.
Enter the Policy number of the person you want to download….
2. Date of the Transaction – Enter the date on which you paid the Policy in DD/MM/YYYY format.
Eg: 25/12/2022
3. Transaction Type – Here, you will get 4 options once you click on it and click on “Renewal Premium / Revival” to download the LIC PRemium receipt.

Step 6:
Fill out all the 3 details as mentioned above and click on the “Submit” button.

Step 7:
Once you click on that, it will display your LIC Premium Receipt Number, Payment date, and Amount paid. Now to download the LIC Premium receipt, Click on the “Receipt number”.

Step 8:
Once you click on that, your “Renewal premium receipt” will be successfully downloaded in a PDF format.

Thanks for reading LIC Premium receipt.