Dear customer your account has a Debit transfer of Rs.147.50/-

Have you received the above message from the State Bank of India (SBI) saying that your account has a debit transfer of Rs.147.50/- rupees?
Yeah. Bro..!!
I got it.
At that time, you might feel like, I have not made any payment, who else did this. ?
Has my bank account been hacked by someone else?
I didn’t even place any order online..!!
Wait Wait my dear friends..!!
Don’t worry, this is not the payment done by you. Also, your SBI account has not been hacked and it is completely safe.
Then who made this transaction from my SBI Savings Bank Account?
It’s none other than, the State Bank of India i.e. SBI.
Yes, It’s SBI
But why and for what purpose did they charge this much amount from my Savings Bank account?
Are using any SBI Debit / ATM card?
Yes, I am using it..!
The Rs.147.50/- is charged towards the Annual Maintenance Charge for your using your Debit card only. It is not a one-time fee and it is an Annual fee for using a SBI Debit card.
If you think that much…Read this thread in full and you will be get clarified.
Click on the below link to Watch it in Telugu
As you know, the State Bank of India (SBI) generally hosts different types of Debit cards with numerous offers. Normally, It offers Five types of Debit Cards.
S.No. | Debit Card Type |
1. | Classic debit card |
2. | Silver / Global Contactless Debit Card |
3. | Yuva / Gold / Combo / My Card (Image) Debit card |
4. | Platinum Debit Card |
5. | Pride / Premium business card |
1. Classic debit card
2. Silver / Global Contactless Debit Card
If you are an SBI customer using any of the above two cards, then, the amount you will be charged is Rs.125/- which is the annual maintenance charge. And GST will be charged @ 18% i.e. Rs.22.50/-.
In Total, it comes to Rs.147.50/-. It is the amount that has been debited from your SBI savings account as part of the Terms and conditions of the SBI.
3. Yuva / Gold / Combo / My Card (Image) Debit card
If you are using this card, then, the amount you will be charged for this card is Rs.175/- which is the Annual Maintenance charge and GST will be charged @ 18% i.e. Rs.31.50/-. In Total, it comes to Rs.206.50/-
4. Platinum Debit Card
If you are using this card, then, the amount you will be charged for this card is Rs.250/- which is the Annual Maintenance charge and GST will be charged @ 18% i.e. Rs.45/-. In total, it comes to Rs.295/-.
5. Pride / Premium business card
The amount you will be charged for this card is Rs.300 which is the annual maintenance charge and GST will be charged at 18% i.e. Rs.54/-. In total, it comes to Rs.354/-.
So most of the customers use Classic debit cards, therefore, SBI charges them Rs.125/- as Annual Maintenance and charges Rs.22.50/- as GST. So you will get a message that Rs.147.5/- rupees have been deducted from your Savings bank account.
Frequently Asked Questions
236 Rupees Deducted from Bank account SBI [Updated 2024]
State Bank of India (SBI) from 1st April 2024 has revised SBI Debit Card Annual Charges related to SBI Silver, Global / Contactless Debit Cards to Rs.236/- including GST from the earlier annual charges of Rs.147.50/-
State Bank of India (SBI) has enhanced SBI Debit Card Annual Maintenance charges on all types of Debit cards from April 1st, 2024 onwards. To know completely how much Annual Maintenance charges are enhanced with the below article.
I hope now your doubt is cleared.
The Annual Maintenance Charges of this Debit card are collected by SBI from the second year of issuing the debit card only and not from the first year of issuing.
Thanks for your reading