E-Filing of Appeals- Extension of time limit

Written by Ravi Sankar Robbi

Updated on:

The CBDT vide Circular No. 20/2016 dated 26.05.2016 has clarified that in order to mitigate any inconvenience caused to the taxpayers on account of the new requirement of mandatory e-filing of appeals, it has been decided to extend the time limit for filing of such e-appeals. E-appeals which were due to be filed by 15-5-2016 can be filed up to 15-6-2016. All e-appeals filed within this extended period would be treated as appeals filed in time.

In view of the extended window for filing e-appeals, taxpayers who could not successfully e-file their appeal and had filed paper appeals are required to file an e-appeal in accordance with Rule 45 before the extended period i.e. 15-6-2016. Such e-appeals would also be treated as appeals filed within time.

It is a pleasure to inform that the Direct Taxes Committee had sought the said clarification from the CBDT vide representation no. ICAI/DTC/2016-17/Rep-7 dated 11.5.2016.

The representation so made and the clarification issued can be viewed by clicking the links below:

Representation dated 11.05.2016
Clarification issued by CBDT vide Circular No 20/2016 dated 26.05.2016

Author is a Qualified CMA with an experience of more than 8 years in the industry. He is also an All India Rank holder in both Inter (AIR-26) & Final (AIR-46) examinations of ICAI. He loves to writes articles on Income Tax & GST.

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